Sunday 23 March 2014

Snip Snip

I DID IT! I did it and I cannot be any happier. I was so scared of cutting my hair because of the many times I cut it even just 3 inches and got super anxious. But you know what, I'm 21 and not 17 anymore crying about my messed up bangs and 4 inches off. I originally wanted to cut my hair before fashion week so 2 weeks ago, I was sitting at my hair dresser's and decided that I couldn't do it just yet and I said something like "my hair is actually my best accessory" so I got the basic trim which only took 3-4 inches off. But I was ready for a bigger change. It sounds ridiculous but last night, I tried this dress on that looked hideous with my long hair. So, my hair isn't my best accessory after all. I woke up this morning, ran to my kitchen and told my mom we need to get haircuts like, today, like now. I didn't even have time to tell my friends. I just needed it off. I decided to chop 12 inches off and donate it to Locks of Love. Right when Peter (my hairdresser) cut that braid off, I felt instant relief, as he put my hair in front of my face I was shocked at how much I didn't even hate or feel badly about it. In fact, I was all smiles seeing my transformation. 

Obviously, I went home and tried that dress on again. Round of applause for good decisions. I am absolutely in love with my hair short, I just don't wanna get carried away cause I'm already feeling like I should have gone shorter!

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